Wednesday, September 03, 2008

New heat-beaters--and a Happy New Year

I’ve put my finger precisely on The Cheesecake Factory’s recent traffic problems: Calendar confusion. Yesterday, Sept. 2, the mega-volume chain announced that it was rolling out its new summer menu. “Take a break from the summer heat and visit The Cheesecake Factory,” gushed the announcement.

Labor Day is popularly recognized as the end of summer, but maybe Cheesecake prefers the official closing date. That would give the chain easily three more weeks to promote its new hot-weather selections. By then, maybe it’ll be ready with a new Halloween lemonade, or maybe a Christmas fresh-fruit salad.

1 comment:

  1. Peter, Peter, Why so skeptical? It's a brilliant new crossover strategy from QVC and HSN. You never heard of Christmas in July? This is just a clever reversal of that theme. I call it the "turning a ocean liner around in a pond" strategy.

    Sincerely, Steakman
